The Meaning of Hell and an Angry God

The meaning of hell will show you there is no angry God waiting to punish you. The meaning of hell is not about an angry God sending you to a fiery place called hell where your soul will suffer eternal torment where you will gnash your teeth. For one thing, a soul isn’t a material … Read more

The Value of Trust in Universal Design

There is a value in trust, which is tied into universal design. Thought is electromagnetic. Its cohesive property works in overdrive when, not just two or more, but masses of people agree on things. Groupthink is gelatinous. It fosters a great sense of security; even if the group is mistaken in their chosen belief. In … Read more

Original Sin

What has been known as the original sin, has everything to do with the state of human consciousness at the beginning of time. This original sin, or mistake, is the reason for chaos in the world. The original sin is that, from the beginning, we haven’t understood the workings of our own individuated consciousness. We … Read more

Mental Alchemy-Using Higher Laws over Lower Laws

In my book, “Reflections of My Higher Self”, mental alchemy is described as using the natural laws of the universe to create change. This is a fascinating subject that is key to immeasurable creativity. The reason it’s so fascinating is because in learning to use these laws consciously, we benefit by becoming the master to … Read more

There’s Nothing “Out There”; The Great Shift and Spiritual Confusion on the Web

While cruising the “new thought” sites on the web, I found a repetitive phenomenon. There are people, most rather young, who are exasperating themselves while waiting for a “great shift” to occur in the world to lift them into a higher realm. It hasn’t happened and they’ve grown weary, depressed, and lost the will to … Read more

Spiritual Paths with heart: The simplicity of the Hermetic Laws of The Kybalion of The Three Initiates and A Course in Miracles or ACIM, the ego, existence, illusion, and how both paths complement each other.

We often hear how all spiritual paths lead to the same place. I question the statement. If one is on a path of destruction then how does that lead him to the same place as The Kybalion of The Three Initiates and its complementary A Course in Miracles ACIM? I find it’s always a question … Read more

Mothers with MS, Distant Healing, Meditation, and Prayer

My mother had multiple sclerosis, MS, and the prayer concerning her distant healing was surely answered. Unbeknownst to mom, I sat on the edge of my bed and went into an unusually audient, visual, and emotionally charged meditation, which led me to recall many experiences with her back to early childhood. During that loving prayer … Read more

Forgiveness as Spiritual Awakening to the Eternal Soul

I understand forgiveness as an awakening and something other than a nicety because some people say it’s the right thing to do. I have found forgiveness to be a knowing that came as I moved closer to realizing my identity as an eternal soul. There are no inherent shoulds placed on anyone for anything in … Read more

Thought, The Law of Vibration, and The Integrative Period of Equalization

Thought being vibration, there is an integrative period for new thought to equalize with ones overall vibration – or mindset. This is true with all learning and the reason for levels of study, but particularly so when we reach toward higher octaves of understanding. While interfacing with higher octaves, there is a time of vacillation … Read more

A Course in Miracles, One Sin, and One Solution

A basic of A Course in Miracles or ACIM, says the one sin is that we fell asleep and forgot who we are. The one solution is to wake up and remember the truth. Learning to adjust our lens on life brings clarity and dissolves erroneous mindsets and the guilt or sin that binds. When … Read more